And when it rains on your parade, look up rather than down. Without the rain, there would be no rainbow. ~GK Chesterton

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Day 5- A Picture of Somewhere You've Been To

Hiking is one of Tucson's greatest attractions! At the first sign of Spring, it becomes a favored past time. Unfortunately, there is a pretty small window of time to enjoy a hike in perfect Arizona weather.

Seven Falls, Sabino Canyon, Tucson, Arizona

January-February= too cold/snow on the mountains, March-May= PERFECT!!!, June-August= way too hot, September-November= monsoon season/flash flood warnings, December= pretty great weather, but who has time in December?!

Romero Pools, Catalina State Park, Tucson, Arizona

Hiking used to be a cinch for me. After having mononucleosis (twice), my lung capacity will most likely never be the same. My first hike after being sick was a rude awakening, and I have never been able to get back to the way I used to be. But why let that stop me?? I just make sure to hike with people patient enough to wait if I need to stop.

Sunset in Sabino Canyon

I have some really awesome memories saved up from some really great hikes. For me, there is nothing more exhilarating than spending time on a mountain trail with friends and family. I always come back down the mountain feeling like things have been put back in perspective for me. Nature will do that!! :)


  1. I love to hike! Maybe someday we can go as a whole, great big, gigantic family.
