And when it rains on your parade, look up rather than down. Without the rain, there would be no rainbow. ~GK Chesterton

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Day 2- The Meaning Behind Your Blog Name

Deciding on a name for this blog took me over a week. Yeah. Nick would ask every day if I had settled on something, then tease me and laugh when I frowned and shook my head. In my defense, whenever I asked for his help, I got suggestions like these:

Stupid Dresses
Lighthouses Rule
Sitting There in a Silent Movie Beside the Only Girl Who Ever Knew Me
I Love My Wife

You might be scratching your head trying to make sense of these. Don't. This is my husband's sense of humor. It rarely makes sense. That's why its funny...most of the time :). Nick would sit and suggest these "clever" titles with a rather satisfied smirk on his face. Oy.

We went through our entire music library combined. We went through our favorite movies, etc. I came up with a few good ideas, but nothing really stuck. To be honest, I'm still not 100% sold on this current title. But the thought process behind it is just this:

Nick and I were engaged for seven months. My mother and I, with the help of many others, planned our wedding for seven months. We decided on a beautiful outdoor garden for our reception site. We were all SO excited about this. There was a sunset ceremony and an outdoor reception in the garden to follow. Everything was wrapped in white lights. It was perfect. My wonderful and creative mom worked so hard making sure everything looked perfect. And then came the news. It was going to rain on our wedding day. In Tucson, Arizona. Did it rain the day before our wedding? Nope. It was lovely weather. Did it rain after our wedding? For one day, and then no more. 

Reception centerpieces made by Supermom!

Now, when I say "rain" I mean RAIN. Cold, unrelenting rain. But you know what? It was absolutely the best day. Seriously. I woke up the morning of the wedding, looked out the window, and stopped worrying. I was marrying my eternal companion that day. I was blessed enough to be able to share that with the people I love most in this world. And when the rain came down on our outdoor garden reception, we moved everyone inside, set tents and heaters up outside, and danced in the rain. It was so much fun and we loved it. The bottom foot or so of my wedding dress was soaking wet and brown by the time we left that night. 

Nick and his groomsmen dancing the night away in the rain

In spite of the unfortunate weather that day, all I saw were smiles. Smiles when I looked in the mirror, when I looked at my new husband, when I looked at my family throughout the day. So it rained on our wedding. It rained on our parade. And it was the perfect wedding....the perfect parade. I loved every minute of it, and have never felt more blessed. Lately, a day hasn't gone by where I don't remind myself of this. As mentioned before, I am a control freak. Normally, something like rain would halt everything and bring it crashing down. But if we carry such an attitude with us everyday, we are missing life's simple joys. The most important blessings we have in life cannot be washed away by a little rain. It is my new goal to embrace the rain and enjoy life for what it is. And what it is, is what we make it. 

Soaking wet...and couldn't be having more fun

1 comment:

  1. It's a great name and a wonderful reason why you chose it. I love you both! And I look forward to reading daily for a long time to come! :O)
